From the body shop to the paint booth, we have the tools you need to complete your auto restoration project. From DA sanders to adhesive dispensers, these hand tools have proven to be reliable day after day, and they all come with a standard manufacturers warranty of at least one year. To achieve professional results and repair a vehicle according to the OEM repair procedure, our customers turn to us to provide the right tool for the job.
For body panel work we carry dent pulling equipment from Dent-Fix that allows you to pull dents without drilling holes. That increases the workers productivity while producing a cleaner, better repair.
Turn To Astro Pneumatic for quality tools that don't break the bank including impact wrenches, DA sanders, color matching lights, polishers, hand riveters, and more.
Polyvance's mini-weld model 7 airless plastic welder is the next generation in plastic welding technology. This airless plastic welder is a complete kit that you can use to repair all kinds of plastic trim and bumper tabs including polypropylene, ABS, TPO, and TEO.